Family Law

We focus on people

The issues in the family law area are not limited to divorce and the regulation of parental responsibility. They include prevention – as it is the case in respect of the choice of careful construed marriage contract exercised through prenuptial agreements – as well as of repression – such as the result of conduct regarded as culpable, as it is the case with adequate action in respect of ill-treatment of spouses, sexual abuse of minors or juvenile delinquency.

Here we are also referring to the persons’ rights, now from a relationship point of view. The family is no longer a traditional and stereotype cell. There is no longer just one type of family. There are several types of family. Traditional families. Single-parent families. Families in dispute. Separated families. Dysfunctional families. Absent families, etc., etc.

All of them face problems. Some problems can be overcome and solved within the family. Others require the intervention of third party. Or even the use of coercive measures. Therefore, and for greater justice and equity, counseling is necessary. Access to information and guidance is indispensable. And the right to a lawyer is essential.