EU-Wide Letter of Rights in Criminal Proceedings

27 November, 2013

EU-WIDE LETTER OF RIGHTS IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS   EU-Wide Letter of Rights in Criminal Proceedings: towards best practice. Read More

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The victim’s right to information

27 September, 2013

THE VICTIM’S RIGHT TO INFORMATION   Read the script of Dr. Carlos Pinto de Abreu’s speech held at the international information seminar organized by APAV, which took place at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Download Charlie Chaplin Quote Download

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procedural safeguards

19 July, 2013

PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS   The European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA) follows certain EU proposals for legislation in the area of criminal justice to ensure that the rights of persons under investigation, suspects, accused and convicted persons are considered and respected. This shall also apply to the public consultation of legislation protecting the EU’s financial interests and […]

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minimum standards for the right to legal aid

5 July, 2013

MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR THE RIGHT TO LEGAL AID   Everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal previously established by law. Everyone shall have the possibility of being advised, defended and represented. Legal aid shall be made available to those who lack sufficient resources […]

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Business Crime 2013

4 July, 2013

Business Crime 2013   A practical cross-border insight into business crime – Portugal Download

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Constitutional rights in the balance

12 June, 2013

Constitutional rights in the balance: Modern exclusionary rules and the toleration of police lawlessness in the search for truth     This article explores the tension in modern criminal procedure between the goal of ascertaining the material truth of the criminal charge and the respect for important human rights of criminal suspects during the investigation […]

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Social and economic values in the transformation of the practice of law

12 June, 2013

Social and economic values in the transformation of the practice of law     Not too many years ago, in Portugal and Spain, the paradigm of the legal professional was of gowned lawyers, lawyers practicing before the courts, who intervened, in particular, in disputes, in the pathology of social and economic interrelation in life. The […]

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Comparative exclusionary rules – portuguese and brazilian perspective

12 June, 2013

Please click here to access the text kindly made available by Professor Doutor Paulo de Sousa Mendes corresponding to his speech at the International Conference on “comparative exclusionary rules” on 5.06.2013, held at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences of the Lisbon Law Faculty, with support of our law firm

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Double representation in cases of european arrest warrant executions

17 May, 2013

Double representation in cases of european arrest warrant executions   View the PowerPoint on the necessity of dual representation in cases of European arrest warrant executions, elaborated by Dra. Vânia Costa Ramos, as the script of her presentation at the ERA conference «Making legal remedies in EU Criminal Justice more efficient», which took place in […]

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15 May, 2013

Principles and Values Law practice is a profession of social interest. It is an indispensable and highly personal activity, given that although the lawyer’s relevance goes beyond the defence of personal interests, he cannot possibly disregard them. There is a demand for a special relationship between him and his client, one of confidentiality, comfort, trust […]

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