New Rules For Golden Visas (Portugal)

26 February, 2021

Conheça as novas regras para a obtenção dos Vistos Gold, que estarão em vigor a partir do final deste ano de 2021, neste curto texto da autoria da Dra. Sofia Martins dos Santos New Rules.

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How COVID-19 – related crime infected Europe during 2020

7 December, 2020

While the COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a global public health crisis, it has also proven to have a significant and potentially long-lasting impact on the serious and organised crime and terrorism landscape in Europe as well as the ability of Member State law enforcement authorities to counter security threats.

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Future procedural rights in the context of the European Arrest Warrant, pre-trial detention and detentio

16 October, 2020

Vânia Costa Ramos was a speaker at the Seminar Procedural Rights in Light of the European Arrest Warrant and Detention, organized by the European Law Academy on 14 October 2020 with a contribution on the topic “Future procedural rights in the context of the European Arrest Warrant, pre-trial detention and detention”. You can retrieve her presentation here.

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Business and human rights – access to remedy

12 October, 2020

Businesses create wealth, making an important contribution to the economy. Their diverse activities affect not just their customers, employees, and contractors along their supply chains, but often entire communities and the environment. This makes it all the more vital that every business, small or large, complies with human rights.

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ECBA Statement of Principles on the use of remote Video-Technologies in Criminal Cases

8 September, 2020

ECBA Statement of Principles on the use of remote Video-Technologies in Criminal Cases

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Artificial Intelligence and Law Enforcement – Impact on Fundamental Rights

24 July, 2020

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, examines the impact on fundamental rights of Artificial Intelligence in the field of law enforcement and criminal justice, from a European Union perspective.

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European Arrest Warrant – European Implementation Assessment – Study by Wouter van Ballegooij (2020)

29 June, 2020

On 6 November 2019, the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) requested authorisation to draw up an own-initiative implementation report on the Council Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States (FD EAW, 2002/584/JHA) (rapporteur: Javier Zarzalejos, EPP, Spain).

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CCBE Guide for Defence Practitioners

9 April, 2020

CCBE Guide for Defence Practitioners

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Applications to the European Court of Human Rights – how to submit an application

7 April, 2020

Applications to the European Court of Human Rights – how to submit an application

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Trends and Challenges in the Portuguese Penitentiary System

14 February, 2020

Trends and Challenges in the Portuguese Peninentiary System

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