Carlos Pinto de Abreu

Carlos Pinto de Abreu was granted the title of Expert Lawyer on Criminal Law


Carlos Pinto de Abreu was the first Portuguese lawyer to conclude the long procedure to be recognized as an expert on criminal law. Carlos Pinto de Abreu was granted by unanimity of the committee members appointed to accompany and examine the procedure, and also by his peers, the lawyers of the General Council of the Portuguese Law Bar Association, the title of expert on criminal law.


After debating the work and procedural documentation submitted and after raising several questions, the committee members decided unanimously to “to approve the candidate as a result of his substantial curriculum and high level of legal technical expertise, particularly considering the difficulty level of the questions that have been raised”.


Following the publication of the Portuguese Law Bar Association General Regulation for the granting of the title of expert, the candidate’s application for the granting of such title, the candidate’s curriculum, published work and procedural documents presented to the committee, the public defence performed before the committee members (Professor Doutor José Lobo Moutinho, Dr. Gil Moreira dos Santos and Dr. Rui Patrício) and also the unanimous deliberation of the members of the General Council of the Portuguese Law Bar Association, Carlos Pinto de Abreu became the first Portuguese lawyer to be recognized as a specialist in criminal law after being granted by unanimity of the members of the designated committee, by his peers and members of the General Council of the Portuguese Law Bar Association, the title of expert on criminal law.